Introduction :
74HC76 (JK Flip Flop) is a dual in-line JK flip flop IC, i.e. it has two JK flip flops inside it and each can be used individually based on our application.
The term JK flip flop comes after its inventor Jack Kilby.
The JK flip flops are considered to be the most efficient flip-flop and can be used for certain applications on its own.
The flip-flops are also called as latching devices meaning it can remember one single bit of data and latch the output based on it, due to this property they are commonly used as shift registers, control registers, storage registers or where ever a small memory is required.
More than one Flip Flop can be used in series to act as an EEPROM for holding small amount of data.
The JK flip flop is considered to be more suitable for practical application because of its truth table that is the output of the flip flop will be stable for all types of inputs.
Features :
- Logic Type: JK Flip Flop.
- Positive edge triggered Flip-Flop.
- Mini. High Level Input Voltage: 2 V.
- Max. Low Level Input Voltage: 0.8 V.
- .Operating Voltage: 4.5V to 5.5V.
- Logic Case Style: DIP.
- No. of Pins: 14.