Arduino starter advanced Kit

Regular price LE 1,500.00

Introduction :

Contains all of the essential components required to start programming with the Arduino Uno board.

Designed to evolve the professional level user.

Features :


  1. Arduino Uno R3 
  2. Arduino USB programming Cable
  3. Servo Motor (1.3 - Standard)
  4. Matrix Keypad 16 Key (4x4)
  5. Character LCD  16 x 2
  6. Male Pin Headers (2.54 mm-40 pin)
  7. Water Level Sensor
  8. Line Tracker Sensor
  9. Ultrasonic Sensor ( Distance Measuring Module )
  10. LED KIT (5 colors-10 LEDs)
  11. Buzzer 5V
  12. Capacitors ( 5 different values  )
  13. Resistors  (30 resistors)
  14. 7 Segment ( Anode)
  15. 74HC47 ( BCD to 7-Segment Decoder)
  16. Male-Male Jumper Wire 20 cm (10 jumpers)
  17. Male-Female Jumper Wire 20 cm (10 jumpers)
  18. Female-Female Jumper Wire 20 cm (10 jumpers)
  19. Infrared Wireless Control Kit (Remote + Reciever)
  20. Breadboard 840 Pin
  21. Light sensor (LDR)
  22. 12V DC Relay (Songle)
  23. 5V DC Relay (Songle)
  24. Potentiometer (1 KOHM)
  25. Potentiometer (10 KOHM)
  26. L293D Motor Driver. (1A)
  27. Digital Temperature Sensor DS18B20
  28. Piezo( knock) Sensor (350mm)
  29. Infrared Object Detection Sensor
  30. Small (Toy) DC Motor
  31. On/Off PCB Switch (6 Pin)(2 pieces )
  32. Push Button 6X6 - 2 Pins (4 pieces )
  33. RGB LED
  34. GP supercell 9v Battery
  35. 9V Battery Adapter for the Arduino
  36. Mano Toolbox & Organizer (Turkish)