Introduction :
contains all of the essential components required to start programming with the Arduino Uno board.
Designed to evolve the user from beginner to professional level.
Features :
- Arduino Uno R3
- Arduino USB programming Cable
- Ultrasonic Sensor ( Distance Measuring Module )
- LED KIT (5 colors-10 LEDs)
- Buzzer 5V
- Capacitors ( 5 different values )
- Resistors (30 resistor)
- 7 Segment ( Anode)
- 74HC47 ( BCD to 7-Segment Decoder)
- Male-Male Jumper Wire 20 cm (10 jumpers)
- Male-Female Jumper Wire 20 cm (10 jumpers)
- Female-Female Jumper Wire 20 cm (10 jumpers)
- Infrared Wireless Control Kit (Remote + Reciever)
- Breadboard 840 Pin
- 5V DC Relay (Songle)
- Potentiometer (1 KOHM)
- Potentiometer (10 KOHM)
- L293D Motor Driver. (1A)
- Digital Temperature sensor Ds18B20
- Piezo( knock) Sensor (350mm)
- Infrared Object Detection Sensor
- Small (Toy) DC Motor
- On/Off PCB Switch (6 Pin)(2 pieces )
- Push Button 6X6 - 2 Pins (4 pieces )
- GP supercell 9v Battery
- 9V Battery Adapter for the Arduino
- Large Plastic Storage Box (18 compartment)