9 axis module (three-axis gyro + three axis acceleration + three axial magnetic) containing some of the most popular chips. What also sets this board apart from others is the integrated 3.3V Voltage Regulator and Logic Level Conversion.
You can connect this board directly to 5V systems (5V power in to VCC) and the SDA and SCL pins will be at 5V levels, but you can also connect it directly to 3.3V systems (3.3V power in to VCC) and the SDA and SCL pins will be at 3.3V levels.
- ITG3205 3-axis Gyro
- ADXL345 3-axis Accelerometer
- HMC5883L 3-axis Magnetometer
- I2C communication to all 3 sensors
- on-board 3.3V Voltage Regulator
- Logic Level conversion
- Fully compatable with 5V and 3.3V systems
- VCC For 5v if use with 5v level system Such as ( Arduino UNO, Leonardo, Mega)
- 3.3 v For 3.3v if use with 3.3v level system Such as ( Arduino Due, Raspberry pi )
- GND - Ground
- SCL - I2C Clock
- SDA - I2C Data