Introduction :
NE555(IC) timing circuit is a highly stable controller capable of producing accurate timedelays or oscillation.
In the time delay mode of operation, the time is precisely controlled by one external resistor and capacitor.
For a stable operation as an oscillator, the free running frequencyand the duty cycle are both accurately controlledwith two external resistors and one capacitor.
The circuit may be triggered and reset on fallingwaveforms, and the output structure can source orsink up to 200mA.
Features :
- Operating voltage : 5 - 18V.
- Maximum output current : 200mA.
- Package: DIP-8.
- TimingFromMicrosecondsto Hours.
- Output and supply TTL compatible.
Applications :
- Time Delay Generation.
- Pulse Width Modulation.
- Pulse generation.
- Precision Timing.
- Sequential Timing circuits.
- FingerprintBiometrics,
- RFIDReader.