Introduction :
This 0.91″ OLED display has a resolution of 128 x 32 pixels on a blue background with an I2C interface for easy control by an MCU.
Key Features of OLED 0.91″ 128×32 I2C Display:
- Latest OLED light-emitting technology
- 128 x 32 pixel resolution
- I2C interface uses only 2 pins on MCU
- SSD1306 OLED controller
- 3.3 or 5V operation
These displays can pack a lot of information into a very small form factor.
OLED Display
OLED displays are the latest in display technology which is just now starting to be introduced in flat-panel televisions. They emit light without requiring a backlight and so have excellent viewing angle, brightness, and contrast in a very thin and efficient package.
The display has a resolution of 128 x 32 pixels. The pixels are (white or blue) on a blue background.
The module uses the SSD1306 controller and is compatible with software libraries that support that controller.
One thing to note about OLEDs is that they are similar to the old Plasma TVs in that they can retain an image if they are left on continuously displaying the same image. They are best suited for applications where the screen is either turned off or the image is changed on occasion.
I2C Interface
This display incorporates an I2C interface that requires only 2 pins on the MCU to interface with and it has good library support to get up and running fast.
The default I2C address for these displays is 0x3C. The address is marked on the bag that the module comes in.